The art of preserving health through hygiene and care

Visite des usines

Visite de notre savonnerie à Salon de Provence

Installée depuis 1907 à Salon de Provence, la Capitale du Savon depuis 1873, la savonnerie Rampal Latour vous ouvre les portes de ses ateliers toute l’année. Nous vous accueillons pour des visites gratuites sur nos deux sites de production : notre usine historique qui vous plonge au coeur de l'authenticité et de la tradition, et notre usine moderne qui vous immerge dans l'univers de la fabrication du savon de Marseille. Dans une ambiance conviviale et chaleureuse, la visite guidée vous conduira à la découverte du savoir-faire Rampal latour qui remonte à 1828, et du métier de maître savonniers à travers le temps. Bienvenue dans l’univers hors du commun de notre savonnerie, où tradition rime avec innovation, et authenticité avec respect de l’Homme et de la Nature.

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Authentic and ecological Marseille soap

Since 1828, Rampal Latour has had the know-how of making real Marseille soap. Our Marseille soap with olive or white oil is cooked in our cauldrons in Salon de Provence, respecting the traditional and authentic “Marseillais” process. Anxious to improve the quality of our soap and the ecological footprint of our soap factory, we have developed, after 3 years of research and 2 patent filings, an improved manufacturing technique, allowing to use 4 times less water and 7 times less energy for its manufacture. In addition, this patented process improves the moisturizing and protective properties of our Marseille soap, thanks to the natural glycerin that it now retains during saponification. A Rampal Latour exclusive. And all this, while keeping our traditional way of manufacturing.


The history of the Rampal soap factory began in 1828 when Pierre Rampal became Master Soapmaker at the Court-de-Payen soap factory in Marseille. From then on, 5 generations of Master Soapmakers succeeded him. Among them, his grandson Pierre Rampal, who received gold medals at the Universal Exhibition in 1900. He settled in Salon de Provence, with the opening in 1907 of the ''Rampal-Fils'' soap factory. at 71, rue Félix Pyat. 1 century later, René Rampal, grandson of Pierre Rampal, passed on his artisanal soap factory ''Rampal Patou'' to Jean-Louis Plot. A new brand is born: ''Rampal Latour'' , guardian of an authentic ancestral know-how. Created in 2008 at Salon de Provance, the range of certified organic shower shampoos won an award at the New York international trade fair, ''New York Gift Show'' in 2010.

Discover our superior quality Marseille soap, a cult product of Provence and the French art of living, made in the cauldrons of our modern factory, created in 2016 in Salon de Provence, respecting the traditional method "à la Marseillaise". With its two patents obtained at the end of 2019, our manufacturing respects the environment, and its use allows a real, unprecedented and unique benefit for the skin. We are proud to offer you our Marseille soap, authentic and softer for the skin.