Savon de Marseille pour l'entretien de vos outils de maison ou de jardin

Marseille soap for the maintenance of your home or garden tools

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Sweep, brush, mower, rake, dibbler…. Plastic, metal and wooden tools love Rampal Latour real Marseille soap. Based on ingredients of natural origin and naturally rich in moisturizing glycerin, it is gentle on the skin and on nature. It is the effective soap par excellence for washing and maintaining at the same time, without drying out.

To fully benefit from the virtues of Marseille soap, follow the advice of our master soap makers.
Marseille soap for wood maintenance
Wet a sponge or brush. Place Marseille soap on top. Wash the wooden handles of the tools. Rinse and dry the wood with a dry cloth. Marseille soap helps soften the rough appearance of the wood.
Marseille soap for metal maintenance
Wet a sponge or brush. Place Marseille soap on top. Wash the metal parts of the tools. Rinse and wipe the metal with a dry cloth. Marseille soap helps maintain metals.
Marseille soap for plastic maintenance
Wet a sponge or microfiber cloth. Place Marseille soap on top. Wash the plastic parts of tools or accessories (lawn mower, trash can, etc.). Rinse and dry with a dry cloth. Marseille soap helps to wash effectively while respecting your skin and the environment.

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