At RAMPAL LATOUR, we attach particular importance to your personal data, because if You entrust them to us, we must take the greatest care of them and above all explain to You in a transparent manner how we collect and use them.

This Privacy Policy is intended for You, in your capacity as an Internet user or Customer, who accesses the website

The purpose of this document is to inform you of the manner in which your personal data may, where applicable, be collected and processed by RAMPAL LATOUR.

What is personal data?

Personal data ” is any information about You that allows You to be identified directly or indirectly. Your surname and first name or a photo can, for example, allow You to be identified directly. Your email address allows you to be indirectly identified.

What is a treatment?

The word " processing " designates any operation, or set of operations, relating to personal data, whatever the process used ( collection, recording, organization, storage, adaptation, modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, dissemination or any other form of provision, reconciliation or interconnection, blocking, erasure or destruction , etc.)

Respect for your privacy and your personal data is a priority for us and we undertake to process your data in the strictest respect of the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 ( hereinafter "Data Protection Act"). “ ) as amended and of the (EU) General Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016 ( hereinafter “GDPR” ).

In any case, we undertake to respect the following two essential principles:

  • You remain in control of your personal data;
  • Your data is treated transparently, confidentially and securely.

How do we collect your data?

All personal data concerning You is collected directly from You, either during your Order on the Site, or during exchanges with our services. In addition, data relating to your navigation on the Site can be used to target your needs and centers of interest and target our commercial and advertising offers accordingly.

Why and on what basis does Rampal Latour process your data?

Your various data may be collected by RAMPAL LATOUR for:

  • Management and monitoring of your contracts, orders, deliveries and invoices
    Legal basis: Contractual, processing is necessary for the performance of a contract or pre-contractual measures
  • Respond to your requests for information about our products or our delivery conditions
    Legal basis:
    Your consent
  • Send you our newsletter
    Legal basis:
    Your consent
  • To offer you commercial offers
    Legal basis:
    Your consent
  • Manage and respond to your requests for the exercise of “ Informatique & Libertés ” rights
    Legal basis:
    Legal obligation ( GDPR and Data Protection Act )
  • Ensure the proper functioning and continuous improvement of our Site and its features
    Legal basis: Our legitimate interest in guaranteeing the best level of operation and quality of the site thanks in particular to visit statistics; your consent where required.

RAMPAL LATOUR will also be authorized to use this data for the purpose of fulfilling a legal or regulatory obligation.

In any case, and for each defined purpose, RAMPAL LATOUR will use all the means in its possession to ensure the security and confidentiality of the personal data entrusted to them, in compliance with the laws and regulations in force.

What data is processed?

The mandatory or optional nature of the personal data requested and the possible consequences of a lack of response to you are specified during their collection(s).

You can consult the details of the personal data that we are likely to have on you below:

For the management and follow-up of your contracts, orders, deliveries and invoices

  • Civility;
  • Last name First Name
  • E-mail address
  • Phone ;
  • Delivery postal address;
  • Billing mailing address;
  • Data relating to means of payment: credit card number, expiry date, cryptogram, RIB.

To respond to your requests for information about our products or our delivery conditions

  • Civility;
  • Firstname name ;
  • E-mail address

For sending our newsletter

  • Last name First Name
  • E-mail address

For sending commercial offers

  • Last name First Name
  • E-mail address

For the management and your requests for the exercise of rights "Informatique et libertés"

  • Last name First Name,
  • E-mail address

To ensure the proper functioning and continuous improvement of our Site and its features

  • Data relating to your browsing on our site via Cookies

Who are the recipients of your data?

Within the limits of their respective attributions and for the purposes mentioned above, the main people who will be likely to have access to your data are the following:

  • Authorized personnel from the various RAMPAL LATOUR departments (administrative, accounting, marketing, sales, logistics and IT departments);
  • The companies responsible for managing the Site;
  • The companies responsible for transporting the Products;
  • The authorized personnel of our subcontractors (if there is a subcontractor) such as banking partners;
  • If applicable, the courts concerned, mediators, chartered accountants, auditors, lawyers, bailiffs, collection companies, police or gendarmerie authorities in the event of theft or judicial requisition, rescue;
  • Third parties likely to place cookies on your terminals (computers, tablets, mobile phones, etc.) when you consent.

Your data is not communicated, exchanged, sold or rented to any other person than those mentioned above.

More details on the list of our service providers:

Our banking partners:

Our transportation partners:

What is the retention period of your data?

We keep your data only for the time necessary for the purposes pursued, as described above, and summarized in the table presented below:

For the management and follow-up of your contracts, orders, deliveries and invoices

For the duration of the relationship and for 3 years from the end of the commercial relationship.

To respond to your requests for information about our products or our delivery conditions

3 years from the end of the commercial relationship or 3 years from the day of your last contact with RAMPAL LATOUR

For sending our newsletter

3 years from the end of the commercial relationship or 3 years from the day of your last contact with RAMPAL LATOUR

For sending commercial offers for our services and those of our partners

3 years from the end of the commercial relationship or 3 years from the day of your last contact with RAMPAL LATOUR

For the management and your requests for the exercise of rights "Informatique et libertés"

1 year in the event of exercise of the right of access or rectification

3 years in case of exercise of the right of opposition

To ensure the proper functioning and continuous improvement of our Site and its features

13 months. Beyond this period, the raw traffic data associated with an identifier is either deleted or anonymized.

What are your rights ?

In accordance with the Data Protection Act and the GDPR, you have the following rights:

  • Right to block or erase your personal data ( article 17 GDPR ), when they are inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, outdated, or whose collection, use, communication or storage is prohibited ( find out more more )
  • Right to portability of the data you have provided to us, when your data is subject to automated processing based on your consent or on a contract ( article 20 GDPR )
  • Right to define the fate of your data after your death and to choose whether or not we communicate your data to a third party that you have previously designated ( find out more ).

In the event of death and in the absence of instructions from you, we undertake to destroy your data, unless their retention proves necessary for evidentiary purposes or to meet a legal obligation.

These rights can be exercised by simple request by e-mail to the address or by post to the address Rampal Latour – SERVICE CLIENTS – 71 rue Félix Pyat – 13300 SALON DE PROVENCE.

Finally, you can also lodge a complaint with the supervisory authorities and in particular the CNIL ( ).

What about login data and cookies?

RAMPAL LATOUR uses connection data on its Site (date, time, Internet address, visitor's computer protocol, page consulted) and cookies (small files saved on your computer) allowing you to be identified, your visits to be memorized , and to benefit from Site audience measurements and statistics, in particular relating to the pages consulted.

You can consent, refuse or choose the type of cookies whose deposit you accept on your computer terminals.

To find out more about cookies (how to manage them, delete them, identify them), you can consult the CNIL website.

Are your data transferred outside the European Union?

In principle, RAMPAL LATOUR processes your data within the European Union.

Nevertheless, with regard to the nature of its activity, and subject to informing you beforehand, RAMPAL LATOUR may be required to transfer your data outside the European Union. In this case, RAMPAL LATOUR will inform you of the measures taken to control this transfer and to ensure compliance with it.

What security measures are in place to protect your data?

RAMPAL LATOUR and its potential subcontractors undertake to implement all technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of our processing of personal data and the confidentiality of your data, in application of the Data Protection Act and GDPR.

As such, RAMPAL LATOUR takes the necessary precautions, with regard to the nature of your data and the risks presented by our processing, to preserve the security of the data and, in particular, to prevent them from being distorted, damaged, or that third parties unauthorized persons have access to it (physical protection of the premises, authentication process for our customers with personal and secure access via confidential identifiers and passwords, logging of connections, encryption of certain data, etc.).

Your heading

Les fêtes approchent à grands pas, et chez Rampal Latour, nous savons combien il est important de trouver le cadeau parfait pour ceux que l’on aime.

Pour offrir ou se faire plaisir

Moins de 10€

Moins de 20€

Moins de 50€

Secret Santa

Êtes-vous à la recherche d'idées pour le Secret Santa du bureau ou entre amis ? Découvrez nos idées cadeaux à petits prix !

Je craque !

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