The skin of the face and hands is one of the parts of the body most exposed to external aggressions. It is therefore vital to take the greatest care of it. In this respect, the authentic Marseille soap,green in olive oil, Orwhite with 100% vegetable oilsis a healthy productused for centuries, made from natural ingredients and, by its double cleansing and purifying action, is very effectivefor hand, skin, body and face hygiene.

Marseille soap for the body
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THEMarseille's soapis the ideal partner for hand and body hygiene. However, its great effectiveness – which has earned it the reputation of a stripping product – can tend to dry out sensitive skin. This is why we have decided to keep the right amount of natural glycerin in our Marseille soaps (3% for green Marseille soap with olive oil and 7% for white Marseille soap with vegetable oils, i.e. more than most moisturizers) from the vegetable oils used in soap making.The protective and moisturizing properties of glycerin are thus added to the existing virtues of Marseille soap, without the latter being added as an additive to the soap.. This natural glycerin, known for its humectant properties, also offers a particularly pleasant creamy foam to Marseille soap. So with as much glycerin as a moisturizing cream, Rampal Latour Marseille soap has become a cosmetic care product in its own right, for all skin types, even sensitive skin.
The benefits of natural glycerin for the skin
Several studies and publications have demonstrated the many benefits of glycerin on the skin:
- Glycerin hydrates the stratum corneum (horny layer), promoting skin elasticity (Froebe 1990, Fluhr 2003).
- Glycerin repairs the skin barrier: by promoting lipid synthesis in the epidermis, it plays an important role in skin repair processes (Fluhr 1999-2008, Bretenritz 2007).
- Glycerin softens the skin (Batt 1986, Fluhr 2008).
- Glycerin protects the skin from external aggressions such as cold, atmospheric dryness, pollution, UV rays (Peak 1980, Froebe 1990, Short 2007).
- Glycerin regulates desquamation of the skin and thus preserves the superficial layers of the epidermis (Breternitz 2007, Fluhr 2008).
- Glycerin has anti-microbial (Saegeman 2007) and virucidal (Burns 1994, Cameron 2000) effects.
- The glycerin found in cosmetic products is often synthetic, derived from petroleum derivatives. Its ecological impact is therefore not negligible. Here is one more reason to favor products containing natural glycerin of plant origin, as is the case with Marseille soap Rampal Latour.